Cooinda exists to provide compassionate, respectful and personalized aged care services to the people of Coonabarabran and surrounds
As a not-for profit organisation governed by a volunteer board of management, donations and bequests enhance our ability to maintain the high standard of care we have provided for the past 5 decades.
Through the generosity of our donors, we can continue to provide our unique brand of support for our residents and our in-home care customers. We can continue to maintain our buildings, and plan for refurbishing our facilities to future required expectation and standards.
We are calling on our Community for your generous support
We are preparing to furnish our new nursing home refurbishment and we need your help! Below is an image and a little information on the item that are fundraising for this month. If you would like to help click on the Appeal Donation Button.
Bathroom and Shower Trolley
- Bathroom and Shower trolleys provide those with limited mobility the opportunity to safety and comfortably bathe with assistance.
- Shower trolleys are portable and can easily be wheeled form one destination to another.
- Height Adjustable frames to make getting in and out easier, and also allowing the carer to work at a comfortable height and avoid bending to eliminate fatigue and strain.
Make a Donation
You can make a one off donation to Cooinda Coonabarabran:
Account Name: Cooinda Coonabarabran Limited Fundraising Account
BSB: 062 524
Account Number: 10018108
As Cooinda is a registered not-for profit charitable organization all donations over $2.00AUD are Tax Deductible. Please contact (02)6842 0888 with our reference number and we can issue you with a receipt.
Memoriam Donations
Families and individuals arranging funerals or memorial services sometimes request that relatives and friends do not send flowers to the service, but instead make a memorial gift to a not-for-profit organization.
An In Memoriam Gift to Cooinda Coonabarabran is a thoughtful and practical way to remember a relative or friend. These Gifts will help us to purchase equipment that is not funded by the Government and continue to improve facilities and services. Donations are NOT used to fund Administration.
Make a Bequest
By including Cooinda in your will you are ensuring that future generations will benefit from your generosity . You will ensure that Cooinda keeps up with the rapidly changing aged care world, provides appropriate facilities for the future and secure that Cooinda can be enjoyed my many generations to come.
A Bequest leaves a lasting legacy. Considering Cooinda Coonabarabran in your will is a wonderful way to help us continue our important care services long into the future.
We respect your wishes and encourage you to designate the area of Cooinda (such as Nursing Home, Hostel or Merryula) you would like to benefit from your bequest. Alternatively, you may wish to allocate your bequest to Cooinda Coonabarabran to determine the area of greatest need.
We Recommend you speak to your legal advisor to ensure you have a valid Will that achieves all that you intend.
If you would like to talk to one of our friendly staff about making a bequest or Donation, please provide your details in the form below and we will be in touch: